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CloudCloud ComputingCybersecurity Strategies

Protecting Data with Cloud Services

By May 29, 2019March 30th, 2024No Comments

The cloud is becoming a revolution for all businesses. Keep reading to see how you can protect your company data in the cloud. 

protecting data with cloud services


More and more businesses are moving critical infrastructure and data to the cloud. This move that businesses have been taking is motivated by the potential of cloud platforms that give promises of operational efficiency, productivity, agility, flexibility, and profitability. 

The main focus of cloud security is to keep data secure. Your cloud service provider will be able to work with you to make sure that the move goes smoothly. 

Some of the important factors of cloud security to keep in mind for ensuring better data security are:

  • Make sure that you sign up with a service provider that has security policies in place. 
  • Use security tools to identify the gaps between a cloud provider’s security measures to know what security issues need to be addressed on your company’s end. It’s important to remember that if supporting host hardware (VMs) and OS are exploited, then applications/data assets hosted can be compromised. 
  • 2 leading public cloud providers are Microsoft and Amazon. These companies have launched their own credential management tools that ensure legitimate access to sensitive data while keeping hackers out. 
  • Comprehensive encryption at file level forms the backbone of your cloud security efforts. Deploy sophisticated and all-encompassing encryption solutions to encrypt data before it is uploaded to the cloud. 
  • Secure end-user devices that are accessing cloud-based resources with advanced endpoint security. Implement firewall solutions to protect the network perimeter, especially if you use IaaS or PaaS models.
  • Follow the useful guidelines and best practices that are recommended by Cloud Security Alliance


Here are some more tips that your business can use to make sure that data in the cloud is secure:

  • Ensure local backup
  • Avoid storing sensitive information
  • Use encryption
  • Apply reliable passwords
  • Use additional security measures
  • Test your security

If your company can implement and follow these guidelines and tips as part of your cloud security strategy, your business is on your way to securing data in the cloud.

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idexcel. (2018). Top 6 Methods to Protect Your Cloud Data from Hackers. Retrieved May 8, 2019 from,

Papolu, Ray. (2018). How To Secure Your Data In The Cloud. Retrieved May 8, 2019 from,