How HR Plays a Role in Cyber Attacks Natasha GolinskyAugust 4, 2022Human resources information is some of the most sensitive and critical information on company networks.…
Introducing Our Partner Cavelo Henrique ReisApril 20, 2022Learn about our new partner Cavelo and how they help businesses proactively reduce cybersecurity risk…
Protecting Cities Against Cyber Attacks Henrique ReisJanuary 19, 2022Learn how to protect cities against cyber attacks. We dive into cloud technology and what…
The Accounting Firm and Cybersecurity Henrique ReisSeptember 16, 2021In a time where cyberattacks happen daily, accounting firms are one of the prime targets.…
Why Law Firms Need to Prioritize Cybersecurity in 2021 Henrique ReisAugust 23, 2021Law firms collect and store copious amounts of personal information, case details, and other digital…
A Problem Businesses Have: Illegal Software Natasha GolinskyDecember 11, 2019Many businesses have illegal software installed. Keep reading to learn more about this issue and…
Keeping IT In-House vs. Outsourcing Henrique ReisSeptember 6, 2018Like many business owners, you probably go through the internal debate on if you should…