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Keep Your Mom Safe Online This Mother’s Day

By May 6, 2022March 30th, 2024No Comments

Most moms know a lot about the internet, online shopping and social media these days due to the pandemic.  But some still need some tips on how to navigate. But even the most experienced online moms can’t always spot a scam or will post information online that they shouldn’t. It’s time to give mom “the talk” about cybersecurity.

Whether your mom is using a phone, a tablet or she just wants to share her photos with her friends and family on her special day, you should remind her of the dangers of being online and how to stay safe in the face of cybercriminals. Mom Cybersecurity

Read our top tips on how to keep your mom safe this Mother’s Day!

Tell Mom To Lock Her Device

There is a lot of information on your devices that you should never leave them unlocked when not attended to.  Get in the habit of CTR + ALT + DEL or clicking down your lock button on your phone or tablet.  You should also always be sure to have your devices protected with a passcode so no one but you can gain access when it is locked.

Is Your Mom’s Password Strong

Chances are your mom’s password is saved as her favourite child or tv show.  If your mom is using the same password for all her logins, someone could gain access to one of her accounts, and then they would be able to access all of her accounts as well. Make sure your mom has different passwords for each account and make sure to use a mixture of upper and lower case letters along with numbers and special characters.

Check the SSL Certificate

Check out the website URL. If it begins with “https” instead of “http” it means the site is secured using an SSL Certificate (the s stands for secure). SSL Certificates secure all your data as it is passed from your browser to the website’s server. To get an SSL Certificate, the company must go through a validation process so in simpler terms, this means it’s safe.

Double Check Your Emails

Ignore emails that require you to respond urgently, such as a problem with your bank account or taxes.  It seems like a no-brainer but these simple scams still fool people. This type of message is likely a scam known as ‘phishing.’ This is a technique in which you click a link or download an attachment in an email which looks real and may even take you to what you think is a trustworthy website and prompt you to enter your personal details. However, these details will be sent to hackers instead!

Sharing Is Caring But Don’t Share Too Much

What you post online lasts forever, so if you wouldn’t say it to someone in person, you shouldn’t say it online. When you share you could be revealing information about yourself without even realizing it. Keep all confidential information to yourself because cybercriminals can use this information to log into your accounts and steal from you. 

Update Your Software

Do you know those annoying software updates that keep popping up on your screen? Well updating this software is extremely important. Turns out it is even more annoying if your software is not updated and you are a target of a cyber-attack.  When cybercriminals discover new ways to steal your data,  companies usually work quickly to release fixes for those vulnerabilities.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing moms around the world. In return for all you’ve given us, it’s a pleasure to protect your privacy and secure your safety online.

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