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Cybersecurity StrategiesWireless Technology

3 Risks to Your Business’ Wireless Security and How to Avoid Them

By September 27, 2021March 30th, 2024No Comments

The future is wireless. Online predators are very aware of this trend, tirelessly searching for vulnerabilities to exploit. If you aren’t actively monitoring your wireless security, your company and client data are at risk.  

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent cyberattacks. Keep reading to learn why strengthening your wireless security should be an ongoing priority, what you can do to mitigate common wireless risks, and steps you can take to keep your Wi-Fi secure.   


Why is Cybersecurity Important? 

Cyberattacks aren’t slowing down. Headlines continue to remind us that data breaches and ransomware attacks are on the rise, targeting individuals, small businesses, and large corporations. Take a look at these alarming numbers:

  • The average ransomware demand against Canadian businesses increased by 33% between 2019 and 2020 to about $140,000 CAD.  
  • Over 28 million Canadians were affected by data breaches by the end of 2019.
  • A ransomware attack on IT firm Kaseya affected up to 1,500 businesses in early July 2021
  • Cyberattacks in the U.S. increased by over 69% from 2019 to 2020, exceeding $4.1 billion in losses.

Cyber predators’ technology and tactics are more sophisticated than ever. At the same time, many corporations and their employees lack the education, resources, and software necessary to respond.   

Common Wi-Fi Security Risks 

The most prevalent vulnerabilities to cybersecurity are also the easiest to avoid. Immediately monitoring for and correcting the following digital behaviours can significantly reduce the risk of cyber attack:  

1. Poor Digital Hygiene 

Fran Finnegan spent 24 years building a successful business, only to watch it burn in the hands of ransomware attackers. Finnegan’s data was stolen in a data breach almost a decade ago. Because he still used the same password, his business remained vulnerable. Finnegan lost everything in the attack, and — at 70 years old — he must find a way to start over.    

Hackers count on corporations and individuals to exhibit inadequate digital hygiene or easily exploitable Wi-Fi behaviours. Poor cyber hygiene includes the following practices:

  • Reusing passwords
  • Failing to update software
  • Using default Wi-Fi passwords and easily identifiable network names  

You can take immediate steps to promote healthy digital hygiene. Simple actions include frequently changing passwords and storing them in a secure password manager, enabling 2-factor authentication on all accounts, and using discrete Wi-Fi names and complex network passwords.   

2. Remote Workers 

COVID-19 has transformed the work environment, making remote work a necessary option for most businesses. At the same time, virtual workers are at particular risk of cyberattack. One study found that cyberattacks rose by 238% during the pandemic, an increase in remote workers’ unsafe online activities is partially responsible for driving. 

Virtual employees may unknowingly expose themselves to threats that can put an entire company at risk. For example, connecting a work device to an insecure network at a library or café could lead to a “man-in-the-middle” (MITM) attack. One type of MITM attack involves creating a duplicate public network. When you unknowingly connect to that network, cyber predators can access your data as long as you remain online.  

Training your employees to avoid public networks and use multi-factor identification is one way to help them avoid these risks. Enabling VPN software on all company devices is an even better solution.  

3. Security Breaches

Security breaches can impact millions of individuals, damage a business’s reputation, and result in enormous financial losses. One of the easiest ways for hackers to breach data is through phishing attacks. 

In 2019, about 83% of businesses said they experienced phishing attacks. These attacks are expensive, costing Americans $57 million in 2019, according to the FBI. The best protection against these dangerous attacks? Education. Train your employees to be skeptical of emails and links before opening or clicking them. 

Hackers are becoming more proficient at stealing data and executing cyberattacks every day. There are steps you can take to protect your business, including working with an IT and cybersecurity firm like Reis Informatica. You don’t have to face the dangers of this digital age alone.  


Your business’ cybersecurity is too important to leave to chance. When you work with us, you don’t have to. Reis Informatica offers 24/7 service, empowering organizations to grow their digital capacity without compromising data privacy or cybersecurity. 

Contact us today to schedule a complimentary business systems assessment. You get to focus on your business while we identify vulnerabilities in your network environment and strategize an impenetrable response.  

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