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Cybersecurity Strategies

What is Cyber Governance?

By November 23, 2022September 19th, 2024No Comments
What is cyber governance?  Well, it is a very important part of managing risk and security in businesses large and small. As a responsibility of boards and executive leaders to enforce, cybersecurity security governance ensures that a company’s cybersecurity model and program align with business objectives, comply with government or industry regulations, and achieve the goals that management has set out for managing security and risk.

A look into the performance of security programs allows boards and executives to make informed decisions about cybersecurity policy and investments, and to know whether the business’s security objectives and requirements are being met. Unfortunately, most businesses lack the clear, objective, and actionable metrics they need to support cybersecurity governance. And without a superior reporting structure, the time and cost of preparing reports can tax an already overwhelmed security team.
Cyber security decision making involves making a variety of decisions that will guide your business through current and future challenges. Understanding cyber threats from a technology standpoint is a must, but security leaders and senior management must also consider a host of financial and operational aspects, including regulatory and repetitional concerns. Knowing what to prioritize and where to bolster resources is often not a clear-cut choice. 
Check out the video below which includes the five pillars of a defensible cyber security strategy:
Below is a checklist of 6 items that are a must for cyber governance planning.
  1. What is the current state?
    • Complete a cyber-risk assessment to understand the gaps, and create a roadmap to close those gaps.
    • Complete a maturity assessment.
  2. Create, review and update all cybersecurity standards, policies and processes.
    • Take the time out of your day to establish the structure and expectations of cybersecurity governance.
  3. Approach cybersecurity from an enterprise lens.
    • What data needs to be protected?
    • How are the cyber-risks aligned with enterprise risk management?
    • What is the relative priority of cybersecurity investment as compared with other types of investments?
  4. Increase cybersecurity awareness and training for employees.
    • With the increase in remote work driven by COVID-19 and the ongoing adoption of hybrid work models, we are no longer just training our internal employees. With so many people working from home and many children attending school online, it is crucial that your employees understand the risks.  Check out our webinar Security Awareness Training for Employees to learn more!
  5. Take a look at Cyber-risk analytics.
    • When creating the risk model, consider all the risks to your organization — external, internal and third-party.
  6. Monitor, measure, analyze, report and improve.
    • Establish regular assessment intervals, measure what matters, analyze the data and create a plan.
    • Report to the board on cyber maturity and the cyber-risk posture across the organization.
Cyber Governance
Protecting your company against potential threats can be a full-time job.  Let the team at Reis Informatica help with your cyber governance.  Talk to a Reis representative today!  Schedule your Complimentary Business System Assessment by clicking the button below and make sure your data security is up to date!
