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The NSA is Advising Windows Users to Update Computers

By June 26, 2019March 30th, 2024No Comments

Are you a Windows user? With some recent discoveries about some vulnerabilities on the machines, it is recommended that you take the steps to update your computer. 

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If you are using a Windows and still haven’t updated the operating software, it might be time to take this step. A few weeks ago there was a discovery of a Bluekeep vulnerability. Now, the NSA is giving a warning to Windows users to do these updates. 

Bluekeep is a vulnerability that has been compared to the WannaCry malware from 2017. WannaCry caused chaos on computer systems around the globe; which caused millions of dollars’ worth of damage. There is a concern that systems running the older versions of Windows – such as Windows 7 – are especially vulnerable to Bluekeep. 


You can read the full report from the NSA here. This report notes that Bluekeep is a vulnerability in the remote desktop feature on legacy versions of Windows. They are advising that users ensure that they are using a patched and updated system in the face of growing threats. 

Microsoft has warned that the flaw in Bluekeep is that it is potentially wormable. This means that it could spread without user interaction across the internet. There have been devastating computer worms that inflict damage on unpatched systems with a wide impact. Microsoft is seeking to increase protections against this flaw. 


Below is a list of the affected versions of Windows: 

  • Windows XP
  • Windows Server 2003
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2008 R2


Microsoft has issued a patch, but millions of machines are still being reported as vulnerable. The NSA is saying that they are worried that hackers will use the vulnerability in ransomware and exploit kits that contain other known susceptibilities. This could increase a hackers capabilities against the unprotected systems. The Bluekeep vulnerability could also be used to operate denial of service attacks. 

The NSA is advising everyone to invest the time and resources to know the network and run supported operating systems with the latest patches. The NSA also notes that Windows 10 systems are protected against the Bluekeep flaw, and that the flaw only affects the older versions of Windows that were named. It is also noted by the NSA that this is not only critical for the protection of the security systems, but for all networks. 


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Meek, Andy. (2019). The NSA is urging Windows users to update their computers ASAP. Retrieved June 12, 2019 from,