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Tech Tips That Will Help You In Everyday Life

By August 22, 2022September 19th, 2024No Comments

Technology now plays a significant role in our daily lives. Modern technology and gadgets are everywhere around us.

Due to the coronavirus crisis, several staff are still working from home and this can bring some challenges related to technology.

Some people work very hard and take a long time to complete tasks that may be completed quickly and easily.  When it comes to technology, there are a lot of ways to perform things quickly and easily rather than slowly and laboriously.Tech Tips

Here are the tech tips that will help you in everyday life:

  1. Google: Save any google image
  2. MS Word
  3. AA
  4. Youtube
  5. Wifi
  6. Mozilla firefox
  7. Pdf
  8. How to make an essay longer

Google: Saving Images

If you want to save an image on google press “Alt” and click on google image. It will automatically be saved to your computer.

MS Word

Have you closed a word file without saving it? No autosave either? Search “.asd” in the file search under “My PC.” You will find your documents there. Windows system has the backup file for you.


Highlight all the selected words and press shift+F3 to make all caps and lowercase.


To download any youtube video, just add “ss” to the URL address between “www.” and “youtube”. Your video will be downloaded right away.


The wifi at airports/hotels costs money to log in, you can use it by adding “?.jpg” at the end of the URL address.

Mozilla Firefox

When you copy some words from the internet, use Ctrl+shift+v to paste them. This trick will help you to prevent text from formatting.


If you download a PDF file and you see “.exe” in the end. Please delete it, it is a virus.

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