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Reis Informatica’s Service Lead Shares Her Experiences in Tech

By March 28, 2022March 30th, 2024No Comments

We would like to introduce you to Rebecca Giroux.  She is the Service Lead for Reis Informatica.  Rebecca has experience in a variety of industries including construction, commercial, furniture and pools. She started out as a level entry hire doing admin tasks which then lead to roles with more responsibilities. She found this was the easiest way to grow.  Tech is by far the most fast-paced industry she has worked in. Rebecca Giroux

Rebecca’s advice for the younger generations of women who are interested in a career in tech is to follow their goals and go for that job that you don’t know if you can get. Sometimes it can be intimidating to start a position you know you have the skills to do but it is known as a male-dominated industry. Don’t let that scare you from achieving the job of your dreams.

Does Rebecca feel she has had to work harder than her male colleagues to advance in her career?  “Overall, I would say no, but I think that it is strictly based on industry and age. When I worked in the furniture industry, it is not a male-dominated industry. Whereas working for a construction company or in the IT world that is male-dominated, it has been more of a challenge to advance in my career. Not necessarily in the roles that I have been given, but to be taken seriously about my insight. As for age, depending on the average age of employees/clients, they are unsure that you can assist them or provide an answer that is correct because of being a woman.”


Another great tip she has for those interested in getting started in tech is to be assertive.  Whether it’s with the role itself or the wage. In her history of employment, she has noticed that most women tend to be okay with not getting the raise they wanted or the starting salary they hoped for. Make sure to set your bottom line and don’t accept anything less, even if it means walking away from the job.  Another factor is education and making sure that you have the level of education for the job you are wanting to have as a career.

In terms of what she believes businesses could be doing better to support and empower female workers, is she still believes that this is a process and will take some time.  “Most owners of companies are in the generation where it isn’t as common to have women in a high role. With the younger generation taking over, I feel that this will allow for more growth in all industries for women to grow.” 

Rebecca believes COVID has positively impacted the tech world.  Companies have the ability to adapt to these types of situations and thrive. Working from home is now more accepted and allows for companies to adjust and still get the work done. It also allows for more development to happen in the security aspect of the tech world.

The best professional advice she has received is to not undervalue the work that you do. Take a step back and really see the things you do to help a business succeed.  Rebecca finds her motivation knowing that there is always room for growth on a personal and professional level. “You learn a lot about yourself with the everyday situations that come up in the fast pace world of technology and current global events.”

Are you interested in more tips on how to advance in your tech career? Join us on March 31st for our Women in Tech webinar.  Women across the world will be there to discuss challenges, achievements and answer any questions you may have!

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