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Cybersecurity Strategies

Don’t Go Phishing This Summer

By June 28, 2022August 11th, 2024No Comments
The beautiful weather has finally arrived and many of us are heading out of the office and onto a lake, river, or ocean to partake in our favourite relaxing pastime. And while a little fishing can be good for the soul, a little phishing can be bad for business.


Cyber attacks using familiar-looking emails, domain names or formats can be both difficult to see and fatal to your company’s data and security. Don’t fall for the bait!  Check out our tips below on how to prevent a phishing attack.


1. Know what a phishing scam looks likePhishing

2. Don’t click on that link

3. Get free anti-phishing add-ons

4. Don’t give your information to an unsecured site

5. Rotate passwords regularly

6. Don’t ignore those updates

7. Install firewalls

8. Don’t be tempted by those pop-ups

9. Don’t give out important information unless you must

10. Have a Data Security Platform to spot signs of an attack


The best way to avoid phishing attacks is to properly train all of your staff on the importance of cybersecurity and how to spot suspicious emails.  It may be a good idea to send a fake ‘Phishing’ Email to test your employees.  This will make your staff more aware and teach them a lesson so it is avoided in the future. 

What do you do if you have been subject to a phishing attack?

Being prepared is crucial, but sometimes, unfortunately, not all the necessary steps can prevent an attack.  Not only can a cyber-attack target your business and employee data, but you may be on the hook or compromise customer information as well. Be sure to update your business’s security information, logins, and passwords, run complete anti-virus checks, and contact credit agencies to warn them employees and customers may be victims of identity theft or fraud.

If you would like to see how Reis Informatica can help you identify and prevent data breaches from phishing attacks, schedule your complimentary summer business systems assessment with one of our experienced technicians today!

Request Your Complimentary Consultation!
